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Skills Tasmania

Training and workforce development in Tasmania

The Ministerial Priorities provides strategic guidance for the training and workforce development system, aligning with the Training and Workforce Development Act 2013 and supporting the Tasmanian Government’s vision for a high-quality training and workforce development system that is accessible, job-focused and responsive.

How the Ministerial Priorities informs action

An effective skills, training and workforce development system is a key priority for the Tasmanian Government. A well-trained workforce is critical to the growth and sustainability of the Tasmanian economy and the industries that service it. The Government’s investment is directed to areas that will make a difference to individuals and to the economy as a whole.

The Tasmanian training and workforce development system must continue to be responsive to the needs of its users into the future, be accessible to all employers and learners and deliver training that gets Tasmanians into jobs. Effective partnerships with business, industry, trainers and with Government to address the challenges, will help achieve the best outcomes possible.

Looking to the future, the opportunities for Tasmanians will be significant. It is important that we effectively skill, reskill and upskill the workforce to seize emerging opportunities in areas like cyber-security and renewable energy, and to deliver economy growing projects in the building, construction, infrastructure and care sectors.

The Ministerial Priorities catalyses these drivers and pulls together clear priorities for skills, training and workforce growth in Tasmania.

The Ministerial Priorities for skills and training

The Ministerial Priorities have been developed in consultation with industry, training organisations, government agencies and business stakeholders. The Ministerial Priorities include four key areas which are the focus of activity amongst these partners. They are:

  1. Building stronger partnerships – All partners working together to achieve a high-standard for training and workforce development
  2. Modernising TasTAFE – TasTAFE as a future-focused and market-aligned training provider
  3. Invest in training for jobs – Workforce needs are identified and all Tasmanians get the skills they need for jobs
  4. Promoting opportunity and access – VET is valued as a first choice option for all Tasmanians.

Skills Tasmania leads implementation of the Ministerial Priorities working collaboratively with businesses, industry, training organisations and government and education partners, including through Industry Compacts, to shape opportunities for Tasmania’s workforce.

Ministerial Priorities for Training and Workforce Development System (PDF 8.2 MB).