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Skills Tasmania

Registration as a Group Training Organisation in Tasmania

An organisation must be registered as a GTO in Tasmania if it wishes to provide group training services to more than 10 apprentices and trainees placed with Tasmanian-based host employers.

To register and continue to be registered as a GTO in Tasmania, an organisation must demonstrate that it can comply with the Group Training Organisation National Standards (and Evidence Guide).

National Standards

The National Standards cover:

  • recruitment, employment and induction of apprentices and trainees;
  • the induction and management of host employers; and
  • monitoring and supporting of apprentices and trainees and the governance and administration of the GTO.

The organisation must also agree to comply with TTAC Policies and Guidelines.

Operational Requirements

The Operational Requirements require that the organisation will:

  • be able to demonstrate at any time that the organisation meets the National Standards for Group Training Organisations (January 2017), and
  • comply with any request for information from the Secretary of the Department of State Growth, through Skills Tasmania, for information on any element of the business that relates either to compliance with the National Standards for Group Training or the operations of the GTO, providing such requests and the response timeframes are reasonable.

The process for new applicants and registration renewals is the same.

An organisation offering group training services to 10 or fewer apprentices and trainees may operate in Tasmania without being registered as a GTO in Tasmania. However, such organisations are able to apply for registration should they wish to.

How do I register?

Your organisation must submit an Application for Registration as a GTO in Tasmania (Word) and an External Audit Checklist for Measuring GTO Compliance (PDF) (Word) to Skills Tasmania.

  1. You are required to use the Evidence Report to demonstrate compliance with the National Standards for Group Training Organisations (2017) and you will need to submit this to an auditor of your choice.
  2. Auditors can be anyone accredited with Exemplar Global or the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA).

Skills Tasmania will determine the registration status and notify your organisation.

The period of registration as a GTO in Tasmania is five years commencing from:

  • the date of approval for GTOs acquiring their first registration, or
  • the date of expiry of the current registration period, for registration renewals.

Skills Tasmania will provide the new dates of registration to the Australian Government who will update the Group Training National Register and issue the organisation with the certified trademark group training logo. GTOs must continue to comply with the National Standards to maintain their registration.

Registration documents

Please read the Guide to Registration as a GTO in Tasmania below before applying for registration.

Need further information?

Queries regarding registration as a Group Training Organisation in Tasmania can be directed to or (03) 61656020.