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Skills Tasmania

Adult Learning Strategy

The Adult Learning Strategy – skills for work and life brings together a range of Government initiatives to support and promote lifelong learning for all Tasmanians over the school leaving age.

It aims to improve Tasmanians’ work and life skills through the priorities of:

  1. literacy and numeracy
  2. coordination and information
  3. community engagement and participation.

You can download a copy of the Adult Learning Strategy here.

Strategy actions

Well into the third year of the Adult Learning Strategy, the actions are well progressed across key Tasmanian Government agencies, TasTAFE and key partners. Skills Tasmania continues to progress actions through its core business activities and working with key partners.

Department of State Growth

  • Since 2019 the Digital Ready for Daily Life program has provided targeted small group training sessions and workshops around the state to build the confidence and digital capability of vulnerable Tasmanians. It has partnered with community organisations to deliver assistance sessions that address the needs of specific community groups around Tasmania. A range of easy to understand ‘how to guides’, factsheets and short explainer video tutorials that provide step-through instructions are available here.
  • An adult learning forum was held in February 2022. Over 70 participants joined Skills Tasmania to start a conversation about being a leader in adult learning. For further information about the forum outcomes, go here.
  • The JobTrainer Fund has concluded. Since the fund commenced in November 2020, almost 10,000 Tasmanians have enrolled in these courses.
  • The Building a Skilled Workforce – Jobseeker Fund in 2023 aims to help Tasmanian jobseekers and people who are looking to upskill or gain new skills access training, assessment and learner support services that leads to improved employment outcomes and opportunities. This program aligns with the objectives of the former Adult Learning Fund, which has now concluded.
  • Eleven successful applicants for the 2022 Training and Work Pathways Program have been allocated a total of $1.587 million, to support a minimum of 350 participants.
  • Jobs Tasmania supports career advice and retraining for retrenched workers through the Rapid Response Skills Initiative (RRSI). The previous Skills Matching Service under RRSI was relaunched as the Career Connector Program in 2022, to support specific population groups to re-engage with work and/or formal education and training.
  • Early Childhood is one of three large sub-sectors that benefit from the $3.115 million provided by the Tasmanian Government over three years to support the TasCOSS Local People into Local Jobs project. Skills Tasmania also continues to engage with the early childhood education and care sector as part of its industry liaison activities.

Department for Education Children, and Young People

  • Seven new 26TEN Communities will be funded over four years from 2020-21. The first four 26TEN Local literacy for work and life communities (in Launceston’s northern suburbs, Clarence Plains, Glenorchy and the Huon Valley) were announced in June 2021. These communities are well advanced in their work to build capacity for communities to make a lasting difference to adult literacy and numeracy skills.
  • Libraries Tasmania’s Lifelong Learning Information Service to support adults looking to continue their learning journey was launched in May 2022. An online community noticeboard is being developed.


  • Tas TAFE developed and delivered Intro to Adult Tutoring course to feed into the Tutor Adult Literacy Learners (TALL) course. Further projects to support the TALL course are underway.
  • TasTAFE commenced delivering the Certificate II in General Education for Adults in 2021.

Non-government partners

  • Council on the Ageing’s Work 45+project assists people aged 45 and over to find work. People aged 45+ are target cohorts within Skills Tasmania and Jobs Tasmania programs.
  • The Tasmanian Council for Adult Literacy (TCAL)’s workforce development project for the adult literacy workforce has concluded. TCAL developed a Practitioner Pathways Map that identifies the qualifications available for people delivering Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) programs for adults, and eight short adult literacy tutor training videos.

Need more information?

For further information about the adult learning strategy actions, please contact Skills Tasmania at