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Skills Tasmania

Glossary of terms

Confused about a VET term or acronym? Here is a list of common VET terms and acronyms.

Glossary of terms PDF

AASSAustralian Apprenticeship Support Services


Australian Bureau of Statistics


The formal recognition of a course by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), in accordance with the Standards for VET Regulators 2015 and the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2012.

Accredited VET course

An accredited VET (vocational education and training course) is:

  • a structured sequence of training developed to meet training needs that are not addressed by existing training packages.
  • a course accredited by the national VET regulator or by a delegated body of the national VET regulator, and
  • a course that has been assessed by ASQA as compliant with the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2012 and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).


Adult and Community Education


Australian Council for Private Education and Training


Abbreviated Coded Rendition of Name Yielding Meaning


Australian Industry and Skills Committee, established in May 2015 to give industry a formal, expanded role in policy direction and decision-making for the vocational education and training (VET) sector. AISC's role includes: advising on vocational education and training (VET) quality instruments (Provider Standards and Training Package Standards); endorse qualifications; providing industry input to guide VET research; and provide industry input to ministerial council. They also: assess business cases from Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) for training product review; allocate work to Skills Service Organisations (SSOs) and quality assure results; consider need for additional materials to support training products (e.g. companion volumes); and assign new IRCs or re-assign IRC. (NCVER)


Australia New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations


Regulated employment-based approaches to the gaining of a relevant recognised AQF qualification involving a combination of work and structured training that is regulated through a training contract (also known as a training agreement or training contract) between an employer and an apprentice/trainee, and their legal guardian if under 18 years of age (IBISC)


Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), the national policy for regulated qualifications in the Australian education and training system.


Australian Quality Training Framework


Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector.


Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information and Statistical Standard


Competency Based Completion


Competency Based Training, A method of training which develops the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to achieve competency. (NCVER)


Council of Australian Governments Industry and Skills Council, A new council established by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in December 2013 to replace the former Standing Council for Tertiary Education Skills and Employment (SCOTESE). Its membership comprises state and territory ministers with responsibility for industry and/or skills portfolios. (NCVER)


Council of Australian Governments


The consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace.

Competency-based assessment

Assessment in which the assessor makes a judgement of competency (competent or not yet competent) against clear benchmarks or criteria such as a competency standard/unit of competency, assessment criteria of course curricula, performance specifications, or product specifications. Competency-based assessment may be contrasted with assessment in which candidates are compared to others or graded, for example. (IBISC)

Competency standard

Competency standards are made up of units of competency, which are themselves made up of elements of competency. Competency standards are an endorsed component of a training package.


Compliance is reached when requirements of the VET Quality Framework or Standards for VET Accredited Courses have been met.

Core Competency

A unit of competency within a competency standard that an industry has agreed is essential to be achieved if a person is to be accepted as competent at a particular level. All units may be core, but in many cases competency at a level will involve core units plus optional or specialisation units of competency.

Credit transfer

The granting of status or credit by an institution or training organisation to students for modules (subjects) or units of competency completed at the same or another institution or training organisation.


Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students


Department of Education and Training

Direct supervision

A person conducting training who does not hold relevant training qualifications may work under the supervision of a person designated by their RTO who does hold those training qualifications, receiving regular guidance, support and direction. It is not necessary for  the supervising person to be present during all training delivery. (IBISC)


Department of Education


Department of Premier and Cabinet


English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students

Employability skills

The skills which enable people to gain, keep and progress within employment, including skills in the clusters of work readiness and work habits, interpersonal skills and learning, thinking and adaptability skills.

Entry level training

Training undertaken to gain entry into the workforce or further vocational education and training. It is often used in connection with apprenticeship training.


Education Services for Overseas Students


Endorsed RTO (in Tasmania)

Foundation Skills

Foundation Skills are the non-technical skills that support participation in work, in adult education and training, and in the community. Foundation Skills comprise the five core skills of the ACSF, along with the ten skill areas of the Core Skills for Work (CSfW) framework. Foundation Skills are a mandatory standard component of units of competency. (IBISC)


Group Training Australia


Group Training Organisation. A GTO is a ‘for profit’ or a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation that hire out trainees and apprentices to host employers.


Industry Liaison Officer

In-service training

Training and professional development of staff, often sponsored by the employer, and usually provided during normal working hours. (NCVER)

Industry organisation

An organisation representing an industry, including peak business and employer organisations and industry advisory bodies, such as industry skills councils.


Industrial Relations


Industry Reference Committee


A person being trained and/or assessed by the RTO for the purpose of issuing AQF certification documentation.


Languages Other Than English


A technique used to facilitate and support individual learning through one-on-one guided learning activities and skills acquisition in a formal, agreed and documented process between the mentor and mentee. (IBISC)

National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code)A set of nationally consistent standards that governs the protection of overseas students and delivery of courses to those students by providers registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). (ASQA)
National registerThe official national register on vocational education and training (VET) in Australia. It is the authoritative source of information on training packages, qualifications, accredited courses, units of competency, skill sets and registered training organisations (RTOs). (ASQA)
National VET regulatorThe Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the national body responsible for registering training providers and accrediting courses in Australia. (ASQA)


National Centre for Vocational Education Research


Non-compliance occurs when the requirements of the VET Quality Framework or other relevant standards or registration conditions have not been met.


National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011

ProviderApprentice Connect Australia Provider (also known as Apprentice Connect Provider)


Formal certification, issued by a relevant approved body, in recognition that a person has achieved learning outcomes or competencies relevant to identified individual, professional, industry or community needs.


Recognition of prior learning. An assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal, and non-formal learning).


ASQA registers vocational education and training (VET) providers as ‘registered training organisations’. VET registration is confirmation that a training organisation can deliver, assess and issue the qualification it is registered to provide, or statements of attainment to a nationally agreed standard.

Risk assessment

An assessment of a registered training organisation (or applicant) conducted by ASQA to identify, analyse, evaluate and treat risks of it breaching its regulatory obligations under the VET Quality Framework.


Registered Training Organisation. An organisation, registered with ASQA in accordance with the requirements of the VET Quality Framework, to provide specific vocational education and training and/or assessment services.

Scope of Registration

The particular services and products that a provider is registered to provide.

Skills Tasmania

Skills Tasmania is a division of the Department of State Growth which advises the Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth on vocational education and training (VET) policy and strategy, and is responsible for the administration of VET in Tasmania. They administer funding and contract management, policy advice and program development and workforce development priorities.


Skills Service Organisation. Skills Service Organisations develop and maintain training package content – including qualifications, skill sets and units of competency.


Statement of Attainment. A statement given to a person confirming that the person has satisfied the requirements of units of competency or modules specified in the statement.


State Training Authority


A person being trained and/or assessed by the RTO for the purpose of issuing AQF certification documentation.


Technical and Further Education


Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification


TasTAFE is a Registered Training Organisation established in 2013 and is Tasmania’s public training provider.


Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


TAFE Directors Australia


An official certification document that confirms that a qualification has been awarded to an individual.


Regulated employment-based approaches to the gaining of a relevant recognised AQF qualification involving a combination of work and structured training that is regulated through a training contract (also known as a training agreement or training contract) between an employer and an apprentice/trainee, and their legal guardian if under 18 years of age (IBISC)

Training Package

Refers to the components endorsed by the Industry and Skills Council or its delegate in accordance with the Standards for Training Packages – units of competency, assessment requirements, qualifications and credit arrangements.

Training and assessment strategy (TAS)

A framework that guides the learning requirements and the teaching, training and assessment arrangements of a VET qualification. It is the document that outlines the macro-level requirements of the learning and assessment process, usually at the qualification level (IBISC)

Training contract/agreement

A contract for an apprenticeship/traineeship made between an employer and an apprentice/trainee, that is registered with the appropriate state or territory government department or agency as may be required by state/territory legislation (IBISC)

Training plan

A documented program of training and assessment required for an apprenticeship/traineeship training contract. It is developed by a registered training organisation in consultation with the parties to the contract as the basis for training and assessing a person undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship. (NCVER) (TGA)

The national register for recording information about RTOs, training packages and accredited courses, formerly known as the National Training Information Service (NTIS). (IBISC)


Tasmanian Traineeships and Apprenticeships Committee (from 2013)


Training and Workforce Development Act 2013. In Tasmania, this act:

  • provides powers for the administration of the Tasmanian training and workforce development system and establishes and grants powers to the Tasmanian Traineeships and Apprenticeships Committee (TTAC).
  • provides the legislative authority for the administration of apprenticeships, traineeships and vocational placements.
  • contains provisions regarding inquiries, inspections and disputes.

Unit of Competency

The specification of the standards of performance required in the workplace as defined in a training package.

User choice

A provision of New Apprenticeships whereby an employer and an apprentice or trainee can choose the training provider for the government-funded, off-the-job elements of the training program. The organisation chosen can be a TAFE college or any other RTO (including a school) that has been registered to deliver the required training. (IBISC)


The quality review of the assessment process. Validation involves checking that the assessment tool/s produce/s valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgements to be made as to whether the requirements of the training package or VET accredited courses are met.


Vocational Education and Training

VETiSVocational Education and Training in Schools, A program that allows students to combine vocational studies with their general education curriculum. (IBISC)


VET Quality Framework - A set of standards and conditions used by ASQA to assess whether a registered training organisation meets the requirements for Registration.


Vocational Education & Training Research Database


VET Student Loans


Youth Liaison Officer

Source: ASQA, NCVER and Skills Tasmania