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Skills Tasmania

Tasmanian Traineeships and Apprenticeships Committee (TTAC)

The Tasmanian Traineeships and Apprenticeships Committee (TTAC) is a statutory committee established under and governed by the Training and Workforce Development Act 2013 (the Act).

What does the TTAC do?

The objective of the TTAC is to ensure that Tasmania has effective and accessible systems and procedures for training contracts and vocational placements.

The TTAC issues guidelines and procedures for the operation of vocational placements and training contracts, and provides advice to the Minister on these matters. The committee may conciliate or arbitrate disputes arising from the terms, conditions and operation of training contracts and vocational placements, in accordance with section 52 of the Act.

The TTAC convenes bi-monthly or as required for urgent matters, and matters may also be considered out-of-session.

TTAC's clients are:

  • employers
  • apprentices and trainees
  • registered training organisations

The Department of State Growth

Skills Tasmania (Department of State Growth) staff assist the TTAC by:

  • Providing secretariat services to the Committee
  • Providing advice and support to employers, apprentices, trainees, registered training organisations (RTOs) and Apprentice Connect Providers
  • Approving new apprenticeship and traineeship qualifications (including funding where appropriate), and
  • Registering training contracts and administering the amendment of training contracts.