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Skills Tasmania

Apprenticeships & traineeships

Whether you are someone looking to become an apprentice or trainee or an employer looking for a worker, here is everything you need to know about apprenticeships and traineeships in Tasmania.

What are apprenticeships and traineeships?

Apprenticeships and traineeships are best described as an employee who learns on the job with guidance from a mentor or manager, and undertakes classroom learning delivered by a training organisation. It is a three-way partnership formalised through a training contract.

An apprentice or trainee has the opportunity to combine employment with training, working toward a nationally recognised qualification, whilst also earning money. In short, it is learning pathway that combines paid on-the-job training and formal learning with a Registered Training Organisation.

Apprenticeships and traineeships are common in trades and industries such as hairdressing and hospitality but it is possible to do both across a range of industries.

You can do an apprenticeship or traineeship as a school leaver, if you’re re-entering the workforce and if you are an adult simply looking at a career change. You can even begin an apprenticeship or traineeship in secondary school under a school-based apprenticeship arrangement.

The apprenticeship or traineeship is established when you and your employer agree to and sign a national training contract.

The approved apprenticeships/traineeships in Tasmania list details which courses are approved to be delivered in Tasmania for each type of apprenticeship and traineeship.

To search for apprenticeships and traineeships that cater to particular industries or occupation types, visit the Australian Apprenticeships website.

What is the difference between an apprenticeship and traineeship?

Generally speaking, courses in traditional vocational training areas, such as carpentry, construction or hairdressing, are apprenticeships, and those in non-traditional areas are traineeships – good examples are aged care and retail.

Both are nationally recognised training, and both form part of the Australian Qualifications Framework. A traineeship is essentially just a more recent offering that came about when vocational education and training expanded to be broader than traditional vocational training areas.

In both cases, what you are required to learn is detailed in a training package, which is endorsed by the relevant industry.

If you are really keen to tell the difference, the nominal duration of the qualification is a good indicator - Apprenticeships generally have a full-time nominal duration of up to four years, whilst most traineeships are 12‑24 months. Nominal duration of each qualification is also listed in the Approved apprenticeships/traineeships in Tasmania list.

What qualifications are available as an apprenticeship
or traineeship in Tasmania?

The following list provides comprehensive information about qualifications that are currently approved to be delivered as an apprenticeship or traineeship in Tasmania including information regarding government funding and any conditions that may apply.

Why do I need to sign up with an Apprentice Connect Provider?

Apprentice Connect Providers (Providers), formerly known as Australian Network Providers, provide free information, advice and support to employers, apprentices and trainees about apprenticeships and traineeships. They are contracted by the Australian Government as part of the Australian Apprenticeships Support Services.

Services they provide include:

  • Information and guidance on how to become an apprentice or trainee, or recruit one
  • Providing advice to employers, apprentices and trainees on qualifications available
  • How to complete and lodge the training contract
  • Determining your eligibility for Australian Government incentives
  • Processing Australian Government incentive payments to employers, apprentices and trainees (where applicable)
  • Monitoring the progress of the apprenticeship or traineeship.

Providers are also your first point of contact for free and confidential advice if you are part of a training contract and are experiencing any problems or issues with the apprenticeship or traineeship.

Skills Tasmania also offer a Workforce Training Consultancy service for learners or employers seeking advice and assistance.

Apprentice Connect Australia Providers (Providers) operating in Tasmania

The following Providers are operating in Tasmania:

Generalist Provider

Specialist Provider - focusing on Women in male-dominated trades and apprenticeships working towards Clean Energy occupations.

Other Providers may provide services to national employers. Check the Australian Apprenticeships website if the Provider you are looking for is not listed above.

Need further information?

If you experiencing an issue with your Provider or your apprenticeship or traineeship is at risk, please contact a Workforce Training Consultant.

What is a school-aged learner apprenticeship or traineeship?

A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship enables a year 10, 11 and 12 student to combine work and training to achieve a nationally recognised qualification, while still attending school and working toward their Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE).

With over 140 approved qualifications to choose from in Tasmania, a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship can provide a pathway into a career in a trade or other vocation, giving you a head start in your chosen career. It also provides employers with the opportunity to start training their future workforce from an early age.

Key things to keep in mind when considering a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship:

  • You need to commit to the full term of the training contract. Some qualifications are able to be completed while at school, however many of the higher level qualifications, particularly in the trade areas, continue past the end of year 12.
  • You must attend school when you are timetabled to do so and attend training with your nominated Registered Training Organisation (RTO) as per your Training Plan.
  • You will work a minimum of 7.5 hours a week in the workplace. This can be one or two days at work in school time or after school hours and on the weekend. There may be an expectation that you will work additional hours in term breaks. You will be paid for any training in the workplace or off-site.

These requirements are in addition to the general conditions of an apprenticeship or traineeship.

Next steps

If you are a student interested in becoming a school-based apprentice or trainee, talk to your school's Australian School-based Apprenticeships (ASbA) Facilitator or contact your school for more information on what is offered at your school. You can also find information about the program on the  Department for Education, Children and Young People website.

Employers looking to sign-up an apprentice or trainee should contact an Apprentice Connect Provider.

Staff from the Department of Education ASbA Team are also available to answer any questions or concerns regarding school-based apprenticeships and traineeships - you can contact them on (03) 6165 5404 or by email at

What is a training contract?

Before an apprenticeship or traineeship can start, you will need to sign into a training contract.

A training contract is a legal agreement between an employer and an apprentice or trainee that outlines:

  • the number of hours of employment per week that the apprentice or trainee will be employed. This includes on-the-job and off-the-job training time
  • the length of the training contract (known as the nominal term or duration)
  • the qualification the apprentice or trainee is undertaking
  • details of the Registered Training Organisation which will provide training and assessment services
  • the industrial arrangements under which the apprentice or trainee will be employed
  • the obligations of employer and the apprentice or trainee.

It is the foundation for the apprenticeship and traineeship where the parties (the employer and the apprentice or trainee, including the parents or guardian of the apprentice or trainee if they are under 18 years of age)  agree on how the relationship will work.

To ensure a productive relationship, it is important to know and understand your obligations before signing into a training contract. See the information on Conditions of apprenticeships and traineeships in Tasmania for further information.

If you are ready to employ an apprentice or trainee or become an apprentice or trainee you should contact an Apprentice Connect Provider (Provider).

Need further information?

Your local Provider is there to assist you with any questions that you may have regarding the training contract and the sign up process.

What is a training plan?

The training plan is an important tool for apprentices and trainees, outlining the details of the course they are undertaking, how the training will unfold over its duration, the compulsory and elective units available, the roles and responsibilities of the apprentice/trainee, the employer and of the training organisation.

It outlines the what, when, how and who of the training and assessment to be delivered to the apprentice or trainee. All apprentices and trainees must have a training plan and it must be their own.

Who prepares a Training Plan?

The nominated registered training organisation (RTO) is responsible for developing the training plan. They do this in collaboration with the employer and apprentice or trainee, within three months of the training contract commencement date.  All must sign and be given copies of the agreed training plan.

Why is it important?

The training plan supports competency-based progression and completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship. It is a living document, meaning that any time something changes that affects the delivery of the qualification – units of competency are signed off, or there are changes to the training program, school studies (if applicable) or the employment arrangements of the apprentice or trainee – the plan should be updated to reflect these changes or updates.  At the very least, the RTO must review the training plan with the apprentice or trainee and their employer three times per year to ensure it remains current.

If the RTO changes during the course of the apprenticeship or traineeship, then a new training plan must be developed.

The Tasmanian Traineeships and Apprenticeships Committee (TTAC) has determined minimum requirements for training plans. These are detailed in the TTAC Policies and Guidelines.

Training Plan Templates

Training Plan Template - Apprentice/Trainee - Sept 2022

Training Plan Template - School Aged Learner Apprentice/Trainee - Sept 2022

Conditions of apprenticeships and traineeships

There are certain roles and obligations that a party to a training contract has to fulfil. These obligations are detailed in the training contract and explained when you sign in to the apprenticeship or traineeship.

The Tasmanian Traineeship and Apprenticeship Committee (TTAC) also sets policies and guidelines that set the requirements of each aspect of the training contract, including:

  • administration of a training contract
  • entering into a training contract
  • once you are in a training contract
  • progressing through a training contract
  • ending a training contract.

These policies and guidelines contain the rules you must follow and also where there is flexibility to vary a training contract.

An employer of an apprentice or trainee obligations:

  • employ the apprentice or trainee on an appropriate employment arrangement
  • follow the training plan including undertaking any training and assessment activities
  • provide the apprentice or trainee with access to the full range of work required to develop competencies in all aspects of their job and in order to complete their qualification
  • provide the apprentice or trainee with access to the full range of tools and equipment commonly used by skilled workers in that industry
  • provide a suitably qualified or experienced person to instruct and supervise the apprentice or trainee
  • work with the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to assist with the apprentice’s or trainee’s progress
  • let your Apprentice Connect Provider or Skills Tasmania know if issues or problems relating to the training contract occur.

An apprentice or trainee's obligations:

  • attend work, do their job, and follow their employer's instructions, as long as they are lawful
  • work towards achieving the qualification stated in the Training Contract
  • undertake any training and assessment in the Training Plan.

Need further information?

Apprentice Connect Providers are available to assist you with administration and management of your training contracts.

Skills Tasmania’s Workforce Training Consultancy service can provide an education service to employers and apprentices and trainees regarding the conditions of the training contract and TTAC Policies and Guidelines.

We encourage you to use these services as part of managing your training contracts and apprentices and trainees.

Get help - bullying and harassment information

Bullying, harassment and discrimination are serious issues that are not acceptable in the workplace. There are laws in place to protect workers and ensure that workplaces are healthy and safe.

Your Training Contract, the National Code of Good Practice for Apprenticeships, Fair Work, Worksafe Tasmania and Equal Opportunity Tasmania all require that employers provide a safe workplace, free from bullying and verbal, physical, racial and sexual abuse.

Apprentices and Trainees:

Workplace bullying is defined by WorkSafe Tasmania as repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or a group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety.

If you feel you are being bullied or harassed in the workplace, please speak to your Workforce Training Consultant, your Apprentice Connect Provider or refer to the information on the WorkSafe Tasmania website.

It is also useful to keep a detailed record of

  • what happens
  • name of the person who speaks or acts inappropriately
  • dates and times
  • if you raise the matter with anyone, and their response

You can find helpful information at


All employers have legal obligations to maintain a safe work environment, free from bullying, harassment and discrimination.

For further information about your responsibilities, please visit

Get help - mental health and wellbeing support services

Are you struggling with stress, anxiety or other mental health issues?

Help can come from a range of support organisations and services:

Tasmanian services

Australia-wide services

Get help - alcohol, tobacco and other drugs services

Here are some support services in Tasmania for alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

Get help - help with work and study

If you are struggling with work and study, you can speak with your employer, training provider, Apprentice Connect Provider or a Workforce Training Consultant.

Another option is to contact Headspace. They run a Work and Study program which supports young people 15 – 25 years with a work or study goal including study skills, time management, career planning, job seeking and mental health support.

Licences - I am now qualified, what licence do I need?

Apprentices - applying for your licence (

Practitioner Licence – A practitioners licence is required for an individual employed by a business who is engaging in plumbing/gas/electrical work.

Electrical, Plumbing and Gas-fitting apprentices have up to one calendar month to apply for a licence after completing of their qualification under a training contract. Refer to the website (

Contractor Licence - In accordance with the Occupational Licencing Act 2005, a contractors licence is required for a business (regardless of being a sole trader or company) who intends to sell plumbing/electrical (prescribed) work to the public, business or government.

A contractor who holds a contractors licence can:

(a) enter into a contract to carry out any prescribed work; or

(b) employ another person to carry out any prescribed work; or

(c) has the management or control of any other person carrying out any prescribed work;

Therefore if an employer is required to hold a contractor licence and is unable to provide evidence of a contractor licence, they cannot sign into a training contract

More information about licencing requirements is available through the Consumer, Building & Occupational Services (CBOS) website Licensed Occupations (

Licences - I have a question about trade practitioner and contractor licences

If you are an owner builder, building services provider, electrician, plumber, gas-fitter, auto gas-fitter, security and investigation agent, motor vehicle trade, or conveyancer and have a question about any of the following, the CBOS Licensing and Registration webpage should be able to answer your question.

  • applying for, renewing and canceling a licence;
  • adding an occupation to a licence;
  • replacing a licence card;
  • continuing professional development (CPD); or
  • searching for a licensed occupation provider.