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Skills Tasmania

I'm experiencing problems with my apprentice/trainee

Sorry to hear you are experiencing issues! Rest assured, there are a number of people that can provide advice and assistance to help you through issues with your apprentices and trainees.

If your concerns relate to your apprentice or trainee’s progress with their training, or the training and/or assessment services provided by your Registered Training Organisation (RTO), you should firstly talk to your RTO contact. This may be your trainer/assessor or the RTO's administration office. All RTOs must have a complaints process for their clients to use.

For other matters, you can contact your Apprentice Connect Provider (Provider) who signed up your apprentice or trainee to discuss the issues.

If the Provider is unable to resolve the matter, Skills Tasmania offers a Workforce Training Consultancy service state-wide to assist employers and their apprentices and trainees. Our Senior Apprenticeships Officers provide advice, assistance and guidance to apprentices, trainees and employers to help them through issues, and to explain the obligations of a training contract and the policies and guidelines of the Tasmanian Traineeships and Apprenticeships Committee (TTAC).