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Skills Tasmania

What services are available to help me employ an apprentice or trainee?

You have decided that you want to employ an apprentice or trainee.  What’s next? If you already have someone in mind, that is great. You can begin to set up your apprenticeship or traineeship.

If not, here are some tips to get you on your way.

Tips to find an apprentice

Apprentice Connect Australia Providers (Providers) are available to provide advice and a range of services to employers regarding apprenticeships and traineeships. This includes helping you to find and recruit an apprentice or trainee.  Contact a Provider near you for more information on what they can do for you.

If you want to go your own way, there are a number of channels you can use to help find an apprentice or trainee.

  • Contact your local jobactive (or Jobs Services Australia) – a national network designed to find jobs for unemployed people.
  • Group Training Organisations (GTOs) – GTO’s employ apprentices and trainees and then hire them out to “host employers”. This is a good option if you don’t have enough work for the time duration needed to complete the qualification, you are unable to offer a diverse range of tasks, or you don’t want to deal with the administrative side of hiring a new employee.
  • Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), including TasTAFE – RTOs often provide pre-apprenticeship and traineeship programs in a range of industries. Students who complete these courses are potential candidates and RTOs may be able to put you in touch.
  • Schools – many offer school-based vocational programs and may be able to advertise your position. The Australian School-based Apprenticeships unit of the Department of Education can also help to facilitate finding a potential candidate.
  • Advertising on job websites or using a recruitment service.
  • Use your own leads and contacts. This could include recruiting someone you know, or someone who has been recommended to you.
  • Consider the suitability of existing employees for an apprenticeship. There are many benefits to training existing workers. Some of these include being able to train around the needs of your business, as well as increasing the knowledge and skills of the employee. See: Funding programs for employers and industry.