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Skills Tasmania

Setting up an apprenticeship/traineeship

Now that you have a person in mind as an apprentice or trainee, or you have the ball rolling on finding the right person, you will need to do the following to set up your apprenticeship or traineeship:

  • Agree on a qualification that will meet the apprentice’s or trainee's career goals and be suitable for your workplace
  • Sign into a training contract with the apprentice or trainee
  • Agree on a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to deliver the training
  • Develop a training plan with the RTO and your apprentice or trainee.

Apprentice Connect Australia Providers (Providers), formerly known as Apprenticeship Network Providers, can assist you with this journey. See further information below.

Choosing a qualification and training provider

The qualification you choose for your apprentice or trainee to undertake must be approved to be undertaken as an apprenticeship and traineeship in Tasmania. Information on qualifications approved and funded in Tasmania can be found here.

Your choice may also depend on what training is available in your area too. The RTO that you want to deliver the training to your apprentice or trainee can also help you decide.

Your Provider can assist you in finding a RTO or you can find one yourself.

Signing up

You will need to contact a Provider to sign up if you haven’t already sought their assistance.

They will ask you to sign a training contract with the apprentice or trainee for a specified duration, to formalise your agreement to work and train together. A training contract is a legally binding document that details the roles and responsibilities of both you and your apprentice or trainee. If your apprentice or trainee is under 18 years of age, their parent or guardian must also sign the contract. You can find more information about the training contract here.

The Provider will assist with all aspects of the training contract sign up process, as well as provide information on the conditions you and your employer need to meet.

What happens now?

Once the training contract is signed, your chosen RTO will be asked to confirm they are available to provide the training and assessment services to your apprentice or trainee. Once this is confirmed, your Provider will then lodge your training contract with Skills Tasmania.

Skills Tasmania is the government department that administers all apprenticeships and traineeships and training contracts in Tasmania.

Skills Tasmania will validate the information contained in the training contract and, if correct and complete, the contract will be approved and registered. The training contract must be registered for the apprenticeship or traineeship to be activated. Congratulations, you can now commence your apprenticeship or traineeship.

Once the training contract is registered, the RTO will contact you and your apprentice or trainee to develop a detailed training plan. The training plan details what is expected of your apprentice or trainee in order to achieve the qualification by outlining what they will learn, where they will learn it, how they will be trained, and how and when they will be assessed. Further information on the training plan can be found here.