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Skills Tasmania

VET for employers and industry

Training can provide your staff with the skills, knowledge, confidence and initiative to do their job. Vocational education and training (VET) is designed to provide practical skills and knowledge relevant to work. Let's take a look at how VET can help your business.

Using VET in your business or industry

Businesses can use VET to support and train workers through:

  • apprenticeships and traineeships
  • short courses designed to build skill or act as professional development
  • supporting staff to undertake qualifications relevant to their work
  • providing mentoring support to build skills, confidence and capacity of your workers.
  • employing new workers are who are VET qualified

There are over 800 VET courses available in Tasmania that can help skill employees.

The Tasmanian Government provides funding and grants for vocational education and training, usually provided to training organisations. If you are interested in what’s available look here, or contact a Registered Training Provider (RTO) or Group Training Organisation (GTO) for more information

Qualifications approved and funded in Tasmania

To find out what qualifications are approved and funded in Tasmania, go to this page.

Funding available to employers and industry for VET training

There is funding available from the Tasmanian Government to reduce the cost of VET for employers and learners. RTOs wishing to access Tasmanian Government funding to provide subsidised training in Tasmania must be endorsed by Skills Tasmania. A list of Endorsed RTOs is available here.

Non-Endorsed RTOs can still deliver vocational education and training, however they cannot access Tasmanian Government funding to subsidise their training programs.

There are a range of sources of funding that can help pay for nationally recognised training for your staff, including apprenticeships and traineeships, other qualifications and skill sets.

See here for more information on the funding for VET courses for your staff.

Key steps to start using VET for your business/industry

1. Identify your training requirements

2. Research possible courses available - Search for qualifications and courses delivered by government funded training providers

3. Contact the training provider and get help

From here, you can work with the training provider to work through your needs and how to use the training in your business. If you want specific help with apprenticeships and traineeships you can also speak with an Apprentice Connect Provider.

How is the content of a VET course developed?

Every training qualification and skill set within the vocational education and training system is part of a Training Package.

Training Packages are shaped by industry, both in their initial development and through an ongoing review process, and are designed to address current and future industry needs. The development and review of Training Packages is undertaken by Industry Reference Committees, supported by:

For more information about the Training Package Development process contact

Employer and Industry involvement in training package reviews and development?

Skills Tasmania encourages employers and industry groups to actively participate in the development of training packages in their occupational areas, to ensure that training meets industry needs and standards. There is an open process for comments, contributions and submissions on changes and updates to the content and delivery of training courses.

It is important that industry and employers remain aware of reviews and proposed changes to training packages, by regularly monitoring the website.