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Skills Tasmania

Want to know more about VET?

Vocational education and training (VET) is important to Tasmania’s economy by supporting the growth of a skilled workforce. It enables students to gain qualifications for all types of jobs, and the specific skills employers want.

What is VET?

VET is practical, hands-on and provides real training needed by employers.

VET is practical and useful, giving students real-world skills that are used in the workplace. VET courses are available from years 9-12 at some schools and post year-12.

VET includes both short courses to help with a specific skill, certificate courses such as those done by apprentices and trainees and more advanced course such as Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas.

All VET courses are delivered by training providers called Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Learning can take place in various settings including in a classroom, online, in the workplace or a combination of these.

In Tasmania, TasTAFE is the public provider and there are also private training providers who can deliver training in specific areas.

To get started, find the course you’re interested in and then contact the training provider for more information. View this page for course and training provider search.

Benefits of VET

Vocational education and training – or VET is a great way to build skills, knowledge to advance your career. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to progress there are many advantages of doing this through VET.

1. Gain the skills to get the job

Businesses are looking for people who have skills and knowledge that can help them grow. VET provides you with nationally recognised skills wanted by employers locally, interstate and overseas.

2. Turn your passion into a qualification

VET is a great tool to help people turn their passions and interests into skills and knowledge. Qualifications have been developed with the goal of preparing learners for work. VET focuses on skills that help people to join the workforce for the first time, re-join after a break from work, upgrade their current work skills or gain skills that will help them move into a different career.

3. Available to everyone, at every stage

Anyone can start learning through VET, including those who have faced barriers to learning in the past. It is available to everyone, regardless of gender, family or cultural background, level of ability or experience, or current job status. To get started talk to a training organisation who can help.

4. There are so many options

VET provides something for everyone. Courses range from skills such literacy and numeracy development, to short courses or advanced diplomas. So whether you want to become a designer, a tradie, a technical specialist, a hairdresser or care provider you can do it through VET.

What courses are available through VET?

If you thought you’d like to be a chef, tradie, a care giver or start a business qualification, then VET has you covered.

Here’s a summary of the different types of courses and qualifications available in Tasmania:

Vocational qualifications Generally delivered by registered training organisations
Certificate I/II These courses are focused on getting you ready for work. Typically Senior Secondary VET courses, or TasTAFE ‘pre-employment’ programs.
Certificate II/III This is where you start if you’re planning to enter a traineeships or apprenticeships, including Australian School-based Apprenticeships (ASbAs).
Certificate III This is the minimum level qualification for many industries and occupations, including Early Childhood Education and Care; Aged and Disability Care; Business and Administration. It is also the level achieved after successfully completing an apprenticeship, such as Automotive; Building and Construction; Commercial Cookery; Hairdressing.
Certificate III Generally regarded as the foundation level for future employment and learning. Data has shown that achieving a Certificate III qualification significantly reduces the risk of longer-term unemployment.
Certificate IV The purpose of the Certificate IV qualification type is to qualify individuals who apply a broad range of specialised knowledge and skills in varied contexts to undertake skilled work and as a pathway for further learning.
Diploma/Advanced Diploma This is where student move from vocational and academic pathways. Often used in engineering specialisations.
Graduate Certificate/Graduate Diploma These are higher level qualifications that require specialist training.

In Tasmania, TasTAFE is the primary public training provider, but other providers deliver courses relevant to specific industries.

You can view industry-related courses here.

Who can study VET? Visa, age, entry and employment requirements

Vocational education and training (VET) is for everyone of any age and any background. VET has courses available across agriculture, business, building, trades, childcare and allied health, engineering, creative industries, hospitality, IT as well as courses to get you started with study.

If students have English as a second language, or have other challenges to learning, then seeking help from the training provider is important.

VET qualifications and skill sets are generally available to anyone who lives in Tasmania, provided that your meet the entry requirements for the course.

However, there are some restrictions that you should be aware of:

It is the role of the RTO to provide guidance to the learner on important information relating to their chosen VET course, and to maintain evidence in relation to eligibility or entry requirements.

Visa status documents

Learner eligibility - Visa status student summary

Policy statement - Learner eligibility - Visa status

RTO guide to learner eligibility - Visa status