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Skills Tasmania

Information and Communication Technology

Industry Skills Compact

The Technology Industry Skills Compact has been signed by the Tasmanian Government, Australian Computer Society (ACS) and TasICT.

The Industry Skills Compacts are the Tasmanian Government’s core mechanism to engage with industry regarding training and workforce development.

The Industry Skills Compacts support strong partnerships between participants in the training and workforce development system, while delivering on the recommendations of the Premier's Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council.

The Industry Skills Compacts are agreements between industry bodies (such as associations and employer representatives) and include "step-up" commitments by industry, such as:

  • Support for TasTAFE
  • Specific industry-wide training requirements
  • Increased involvement of industry professionals as trainers, and
  • Shared infrastructure to enable students to train on modern technology.

Technology has a pervasive impact on all industries in Tasmania, extending beyond the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. It is for this reason that ACS and TasICT agreed to broaden the scope of the compact from ICT to Technology to reflect the impact it is having on other sectors.

The Technology Industry Skills Compact document includes the agreement between the Government and the industry bodies named above, and a Priority Action Plan.

Technology Industry Skills Compact - accessible version

Technology Industry Skills Compact

Technology Industry Skills Compact - Priority Action Plan

Industry Workforce Plans and Reports

The following workforce plans are industry-owned, industry-led plans for skills development. Workforce plans identify actions which industry and other stakeholders will undertake to support increased workforce development activity, to meet current and future workforce needs.

Tasmanian ICT Workforce Action Plan 2020-2023 | PDF 1.975MB | added Jan 2021

Key Stakeholders/Industry Peak Organisations

Jobs and Skills Councils

Economic Profile - Industry Sector Analysis for Information, Media and Telecommunications in Tasmania

Industry sector profiles reveal the way in which each industry contributes to the economy in Tasmania using ten economic measures generated by NIEIR economic modelling. This helps in understanding the role each industry sector plays in the economy. The following economic profile link will open in

Economic  Profile - Information, Media and Telecommunications Industry

Skills Tasmania Contact

The Industry Partnership Manager is:

Lynda McKay

mobile: 0467 736 162