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Skills Tasmania

Conditions of apprenticeships and traineeships

There are certain roles and obligations that a party to a training contract has to fulfil. These obligations are detailed in the training contract and explained when you sign in to the apprenticeship or traineeship.

The Tasmanian Traineeship and Apprenticeship Committee (TTAC) also sets policies and guidelines that set the requirements of each aspect of the training contract, including:

  • administration of a training contract
  • entering into a training contract
  • once you are in a training contract
  • progressing through a training contract
  • ending a training contract.

These policies and guidelines contain the rules you must follow and also where there is flexibility to vary a training contract.

An employer of an apprentice or trainee obligations:

  • employ the apprentice or trainee on an appropriate employment arrangement
  • follow the training plan including undertaking any training and assessment activities
  • provide the apprentice or trainee with access to the full range of work required to develop competencies in all aspects of their job and in order to complete their qualification
  • provide the apprentice or trainee with access to the full range of tools and equipment commonly used by skilled workers in that industry
  • provide a suitably qualified or experienced person to instruct and supervise the apprentice or trainee
  • work with the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to assist with the apprentice’s or trainee’s progress
  • let your Apprentice Connect Provider or Skills Tasmania know if issues or problems relating to the training contract occur.

An apprentice or trainee's obligations:

  • attend work, do their job, and follow their employer's instructions, as long as they are lawful
  • work towards achieving the qualification stated in the Training Contract
  • undertake any training and assessment in the Training Plan.

Need further information?

Apprentice Connect Providers are available to assist you with administration and management of your training contracts.

Skills Tasmania’s Workforce Training Consultancy service can provide an education service to employers and apprentices and trainees regarding the conditions of the training contract and TTAC Policies and Guidelines.

We encourage you to use these services as part of managing your training contracts and apprentices and trainees.